Working from Home: Tips to be More Effective

Working from Home: Tips to be More Effective

Working from home offers a lot of flexibility for people with busy schedules. The ability to work at your own pace and on your terms can be a huge benefit. However, the freedom that comes with working from home also has its downsides. It is easy to become distracted or procrastinate when you are not in an office setting with other workers around. In this article, we will share some tips that will help make working from home more effective!

Take Scheduled Breaks

Working from home can be a lot of fun. However, it is easy to get distracted and start engaging in other activities instead of working. One way you can ensure that you are still productive while working from home is by taking scheduled breaks away from your computer or workstation! This will allow your mind and body some time to relax and re-energize.

Taking regular breaks will also help you prevent the detriments of working from home such as eye strain and back pain. It is important to remember that you should take a break no matter how busy or stressed out you are feeling at the moment. You can always prioritize certain tasks later on if needed!

Use Ergonomics

Another great way to work from home more effectively is by making sure that you are comfortable and physically supported by considering ergonomics. Ergonomics refers to an efficient and healthy workplace design.

When working at a computer, it is important for the monitor and keyboard height to be adjustable so you can find their most comfortable positions. If you are using your laptop as a second monitor, you can use a laptop stand to raise the screen to be level with your eyes. Another tip would be to vary your postures throughout the day, transitioning from moments of standing, to sitting and even to lounging. In each of these positons, you’ll want to make sure that ergonomics isn’t compromised, and that you’re properly supported with an adjustable standing desk and an ergonomic office chair.

It is also important for the lighting in your workspace to be bright enough so that you don't strain your eyes while working. All of these tips can be used to help prevent eye strain and back pain as well.

Turn on a White Noise Machine

You may be thinking that it is hard to focus on work when you are constantly distracted by household noises or other things going on around you. You can turn on a white noise machine in your workspace to help cancel out any background sounds and make working from home more effective!

White noise machines create soothing, ambient sounds to help you focus on your work. You can also try playing some calming music as a second alternative if white noise does not work for you! Various white noise apps also allow you to create your own background noise. Whether it is rain, a thunderstorm, or even just the sound of typing; these apps will help make working from home more productive!

Communicate Often with Coworkers

Working from home can also be lonely at times. It is important to communicate often with coworkers so that you are still connected to an office setting and don't feel alone in your workspace! You should use communication apps such as Skype or Google Hangouts which will allow you to have video calls online for free! These types of communications tools are also great for collaborating on shared documents.

When communicating with your coworkers, remember to be polite and respectful! You don't want them thinking you're not committed to the company just because you work from home now. If needed, set up a separate workspace in another room of your house so that it doesn't feel like you are working around your family at all times.

Prepare Meals the Night Before

Another great way to help make working from home more effective is by preparing meals the night before. This will save you time in the morning when you are rushing around trying to find something quick and easy for breakfast or lunch! You can also prepare your work clothes ahead of time so that they aren't wrinkled when it's time to login to work.

Preparing meals and clothes ahead of time will also help you stay more organized and productive during the day. This is because it helps prevent small distractions that can lead to your productivity dropping off, such as searching for an outfit in your closet or finding a bowl for cereal!

Organize your Workspace

You can also organize your workspace to make it more inviting and stress-free! Throw away any unnecessary clutter that you don't need anymore, clean off your desk, set up a mail sorter for all incoming documents or papers, and try hanging some inspirational art on the wall as well. You can also use a desk mat to help define and mark out your working space while also protecting your desk top. You want everything in your home office to be functional and stress-free!

When organizing your workspace, make sure that you are using everything to its full potential. You should even try labeling your file folders and cabinets for easy access when storing documents or other items! With these five tips in mind, working from home can be more effective than ever!

Pick a Definitive Finish Time

Finally, it is important to pick a definitive finish time for your workday. You don't want to leave yourself too much wiggle room when you are trying to be productive at home! Set an end goal of working from home and stick with that specific amount of hours per day or week.

Setting a definite finish time will help prevent you from getting distracted and unfocused with your work. It also helps prevent procrastinating or pushing tasks off to another day since you will know exactly when the end of the day is!


Working from home can be very productive, but only if you know how to make the most of your workday! By implementing these tips into your daily routine, working from home can be more effective than ever.

You will feel less isolated and lonely when at home because you are still communicating with coworkers regularly through video conferencing or apps, organizing your workspace for stress-free use, preparing your meals and clothes ahead of time so that you are ready to go when the clock strikes work hours, organizing everything in your workspace efficiently, and picking a definitive end goal will help make working from home more effective.


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